Manchester MEN Arena - Brown:music Supporting Take That
by therealting on Dec.24, 2007, under Brown:music, Gigs
It’s Christmas Eve and I’m blogging to you from my brother’s house in Birmingham, where I will be spending Christmas with my family after our final date on the Beautiful World tour.
In some ways it was a bit of a nightmare gig - I made the mistake of changing my strings about an hour before we went onstage, and evidently didn’t stretch my strings enough. The result: my high-E string slipping out of tune in front of 20,000 people. You know that horrible feeling you get when you’re stuck in a situation, wish you could go back 30 minutes and do one small thing to change the present situation?
Anyway - I’m really happy my parents got to see us perform on a huge stage, and I think they actually quite enjoyed the Take That show. Both of them seemed quite bemused by the screaming 20-something women in the audience around them hurling underwear at the four men onstage.
I’ve really enjoyed the tour, and working with such a great crew operating at such a high level… including the sound engineers, stage crew, backstage crew, catering staff and tour management. All of us in Brown:music are incredibly grateful to the Take That boys for what can only be described as a dream opportunity, and especially to our friend Jason for asking us to tour with them.