
2006 Gigs!

by therealting on Mar.10, 2006, under Brown:music, Gigs

New year, new gigs (although a late update I must admit).

I’ve actually gone ahead and set up a dedicated Gigs page (new link on the left too). Check it out, and come by to one sometime! 

Also, Brownmusic’s long-awaited E.P. is now available, unfortunately you will have to come along to one of our gigs to buy one, until we get the online thing sorted out…

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Final Gigs of 2005

by therealting on Dec.01, 2005, under Brown:music, Gigs, Other, The BlueJacks

December tends to be a busy time for musicians, and this year that includes me! I will be involved with Brownmusic gigs on the 2nd and 13th, and depping in acoustic duo Itchy & Scratchy (with Aaron Short) on the 17th. Gigs with Kirsty are also continuing every Wednesday as usual. See you there!

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